Women are still underrepresented in medical research. But thanks to trailblazers like cardiologist Marianne Legato and patient advocate Carolyn Thomas, that’s starting to change
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Why do obesity drugs seem to treat so many other ailments?
It’s becoming clear that obesity drugs might suppress addiction in ways related to how they suppress appetite. For appetite control, animal studies suggest that the drugs act predominantly on GLP-1 receptors on neurons located in the hypothalamus and the hindbrain. These regions regulate functions such as hunger, body temperature and heart rate.
America’s Glaring Gender Health Gap: The ERA is the Answer
“Closing the gap would give the 3.9 billion women in the world today an extra seven healthy days a year, or an average of 500 days over a lifetime.” Sheila Uria Veliz and Mehek Bapna are not related, at least not by blood, but they share something similar. Both young women had their teenage years upended by debilitating illnesses that took years to diagnose.
An Allegory About Mankind’s Transformative Adventure
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Our Logo – The Myth of Prometheus and the Flame
When scientific scholars look back on our current time period, they will call it the beginning of the Genomic Era. In just the past ten years, scientists have achieved techniques that not only transform existing life forms, but also create entirely new species.
Does the environment on the individual impact health and the experience of disease?
Nothing is more evident in clinical medicine than the complex and interactive relationship between human biology and the environment in which individuals find themselves.
The “Biological Sex or Gender?” Debate
“Everything flows, nothing stands still. Nothing endures but change.” -Heraclitus
As Heraclitus pointed out, everything in the world inexorably changes over time. Medical science and medical perspectives are no exceptions.
Are We Working at Cross-Purposes?
Have certain evolutionary processes shaped the development of our brains and what they desire?
Women want relationships, while men do not.
Falling in Love Made Men and Women More Like Each Other
Dr. Marazziti speculates that this similarity in hormone levels helps to solidify relationships in their shaky early stages by erasing differences. Women with higher testosterone levels are more aggressive and assertive and have a greater sex drive than usual. Men with lower testosterones are less aggressive and less libidinou s, making it more likely that they’ll keep their eye on the mate right tin front of them.
Our Collaboration with Johns Hopkins
Our collaboration with Johns Hopkins