
The impact of sex and gender on spaceflight.

Women have greater loss of plasma volume than men during spaceflight. There are other known sex differences affecting the cardiovascular system. For example, in response to stress, women characteristically respond with an increase in heart rate and men respond with an increase in vascular resistance.

The challenge of conquering the obstacles to creating new worlds in which humans can survive is daunting, but one we are meeting with increasing success.

We produced a video which shows an allegorical conversation between Prometheus, the Titan who defied Zeus and gave humans the gift of fire, and the human spirit, represented by Galileo Galilei, whose 15th century exploration of celestial bodies was the initial step in our achievement of another transformative triumph of mankind: our ability to leave the earth and travel to -and establish human settlements on -other celestial bodies.

Watch video: An Allegory About Mankind’s Transformative Adventure: Leaving Earth to Become Settlers of New Worlds in the Firmament.