Kristina Montemayor, MD, MHS

Kristina Montemayor is an Instructor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Montemayor graduated from the University of Texas Health Science at San Antonio with a degree in nursing prior to graduating medical school at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. She pursued her Internal Medicine Residency at Johns Hopkins and completed her Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship from Johns Hopkins in 2020. Dr. Montemayor’s clinical interests are investigating sex and gender differences in cystic fibrosis. While researchers have shown that females with CF have worse morbidity and mortality compared to males, Dr. Montemayor’s research is focused on understanding the association of sex hormones on respiratory outcomes in women with CF with the goal to identify potential therapeutic strategies to tailor individualized care and improve outcomes in women with CF.

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